

邱正宏醫師 景升診所 醫美中心




當醫師施行自體脂肪隆乳手術時,必須決定打入多少體積才能改善乳房不對稱或體積太小的問題。因為乳房的實際體積和對稱程度有時往往和外觀看起來有些許差距,所以我們發展一種簡單的量測乳房體積的方法,利用這種方法,醫師可以明確知道患者乳房的實際體積和對稱情形。 材料和方法:使用三個體積和開口不同的量杯來量測乳房的體積。這三種量杯的體積分別是1.5L, 2.7L和3.7L,開口則分別是12cm, 15c,和17cm〈如圖一〉。不同的體積和開口可以適用在幾乎所有形狀和大小的乳房。術前的評估方式是:將量杯倒滿溫開水,水平置放,然後要求患者將乳房放入量杯中,乳房體積的定義是:乳房移開後剩餘體積和裝滿體積之間的差。為求最好的精確度,整個步驟必須重複兩到三次,求其平均值。 結果:從2010年1月到2010年12月,我們使用這個方法為28個尋求自體脂肪隆乳的患者測量乳房體積,總共有56個乳房,術前量測的平均值是右乳295ml左乳288ml,自體脂肪移植隆乳的平均體積是右乳263ml左乳258ml。術後追蹤的結果在一個月時平均體積是右乳475ml左乳471ml。術後追蹤三個月的平均體積是右乳412ml左乳409ml。 結論:水位移是利用阿基米得原理來量測體積的方法。傳統的測量有幾個缺點:只有一種體積的量杯,不能適用於所有形狀和大小的乳房,當乳房太大的時候乳房周圍的體積往往無法正確量測,而當乳房太小的時候,又會將一部分的胸壁算成乳房的體積。改良式水位移測量法可以改善這種缺點,也是一種方便簡單的乳房測量法。更重要的是設備便宜而且沒有耗材。醫師進行自體脂肪隆乳手術之前,先行測量患者的乳房體積,之後可以很清楚的知道左右乳的大小和對稱情形,方便於決定要打入兩側乳房移植脂肪的量,對於矯正乳房太小和不對稱的問題很有幫助。另外,術後連續性的量測,也有助於追蹤移植脂肪的存活情形。



Modified Water Displacement Test in Sequential Measurements of Breast Volume

116 No.93-1, XingLong Rd. Sec.2, Taipei, Taiwan Genesis Clinic, Aesthetic Department Cheng-Hung Chiu, M.D.

Introduction: Many women are disturbed by the small size of their breasts, while others are not satisfied with the symmetry of them. Autologous fat transplantation (AFT) is becoming a more common method for solving these problems. When doing AFT to the breasts, surgeons always have to decide how much volume should be transplanted to the breasts to balance the under developed and asymmetrical outlooking, since the real volume and symmetry of the breasts are not always the same as they look. We develop a simple method to measure the breast volume. Surgeons can use this method to know the exact volume and symmetry of the breasts of their patients. Materials and Methods: Three beakers with different volumes and mouths were used for measuring the breast size of patients. The volume of the beakers were 1.5L, 2.7L and 3.7L, and the diameters of these beakers were 12cm, 15cm and 17cm respectively which can fit almost all sizes of breasts. Preoperative assessment of breast volume can be done by filling the beaker with warm water, and then ask the patient to put their breast into the beaker. The breast volume was defined by the difference between the full volume and the residual volume once the breast was removed. To maximize precision, the whole procedure should be repeated for at least 2 to 3 times for each breast and the results averaged. From Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2010 We used this method to measure patient’s breast volume preoperatively and follow the postoperative change of breast size for 28 patients seeking AFT to their breasts for cosmetic purposes. Results: 56 breasts (28 female patients) were enrolled in this study. The average preoperative breast size was 295ml right side and 288ml left side. AFT to the breast was 263ml right side and 258ml left side. Postoperative follow up at one month interval showed right side 475ml and left side 471ml. Conclusion: Water displacement test is an easy way to measure the breast size. Surgeons can decide how much fat to be transplanted to combat the under developed and asymmetrical breasts according to these results. Furthermore, postoperative followed up can reveal the outcome and the survival rate of the transplanted fat which can give use clues to advance AFT techniques.

    乳房 體積 自體脂肪隆乳

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